Sacramental Life
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
— Ephesians
Celebrating Reconciliation
We are all human. As humans, we are not perfect in our lives or our decisions and, therefore, commit sin against God and those around us. Reconciliation is the sacramental absolution of our sins. This absolution is received by confessing to a priest who then grants us the forgiveness of Christ, Himself. Regular reception of Reconciliation enables us to grow in our discipleship with Jesus as well as being more strongly restored to the journey of living our Faith, Hope, and Love in God.
Confessions are heard on Saturdays:
Church of St. Benedict, 3:15pm
Our Lady of the Snows, 5pm
If you are unable to make these times, please call our Parish Center at (570) 586-1741.